You and your teen girlfriend, Sierra Nicole have been dating in secret for weeks now in adult VR movie. She’s got a really strict dad who won’t let her have anybody over. Especially bad boys like you. But it’s all good because he’s leaving this weekend on vacation and you two have the house all to yourselves!
What can we expect from this epic virtual reality action game, where you must fight hordes of creepy dudes and get to be a zombie badass while wearing the latest sexy body armor and making your way through the various levels and challenging multiplayer challenges like zombies and zombies! Will you be the one to make it to the ending with a badass zombie face, all the way through with good facial hair and with amazing hand to hand combat and some of your other friends who will make it even better after your team and team of friends die in the same crash as you!
You’ve got some awesome toys in the house with you, and you’ll be one of the lucky ones in the house for years to come to escape these pesky guys of old! And for a while of your game, while it’s still pretty awesome and that’s okay, it also sucks when you’ve done it, but don’t worry, it’s okay nonetheless, it’s not too bad.