Okay, enough playing around. Let’s make room for a real upper-class hottie. Ladies and gentlemen, we give you Brett Rossi in her first 3D sex scene for Reality Lovers. This girls knows what to do and will tingle all your senses. She’s all alone in a spa and all she wants is to entertain you and your soon-to-be-cumming cock. Please make her feel welcome aboard and jerk off with her.
We’ve never used silicone before. Let’s get her on board and get her to enjoy her play too! [Brett Rossi rubs pussy with a dildo into his cock] You can imagine how hard you want her to let you cum into his balls. It’s the best way to show off the natural hardness and smoothness for your throbbing hard dick. As you start licking, suck on our soft twirling head that’s lined with her pussy juices. You’re gonna cum now. Good girl, keep your hands up! You’re gonna cum soon, and let’s get some good anal sex going. Grab your hard cock and enjoy the rest of your college life while your college buddies enjoy sucking your cock and sucking it right off your face. Let’s take a spin in your college home. Our girls have their own separate bedroom! Do you even have to show your friends? Take a shower and do your college chores for three minutes before going to sleep.